Grape PAC
is the Political Action Committee of the Washington Winegrowers Association. Grape PAC supports candidates for state legislature who understand the issues facing the Washington grape and wine industry. Grape PAC is voluntary, non-profit, nonpartisan, non-discriminatory, and is political and educational in its purpose and programs.
The contribution limit in Washington is $900 for any one person, business, or group to give per candidate, per election, so raising money is hard work for legislative candidates. But, the limit also means the “little guy” can have the same impact as large corporations. If only 50 growers or wineries contribute $50 each quarter over the two years between elections, Grape PAC could raise $20,000 to contribute to key legislators who understand our issues!
All it takes is your pledge! And every little bit helps. Send your check today or pledge to contribute quarterly! Support our industry, support our legislative friends, and contribute to Grape PAC!